Mission Life International presents “ The Chiropráctic Festival”June 12 -June 15
June 12, 2025 to June 15, 2025
The medieval chiropractic festival will take place at the BV Grand Hotel Assisi. Assisi, Italy. Please visit this website https://www.bvgrandhotelassisi.com check out their video and book a room. Tell them Mission Life International sent you.
The medieval chiropractic festival will take place at the BV Grand Hotel Assisi. Assisi, Italy. Please visit this website https://www.bvgrandhotelassisi.com check out their video and book a room. Tell them Mission Life International sent you.
Purpose:The Chiropráctic Festival is a special 4 day celebration of Chiropráctic tradition. We are celebrating Chiropráctic culture and heritage with love, happiness, peace and harmony. Proceeds will go to our Chiropráctic orphanage and birthing center.
Host: Peter Morgan, DC
Hostess: Nicole Borin, DCDestiny Organa, Selena Sigafoose, Kevin Jackson, Stephen Simonetti, Peter Morgan, Patti Guiliano, Nicole Borin, Stuart Warner, Theresa Warner, Henri Rosenblum, Arthur Patterson, Mel Krug, Maryanne Shiozawa and more speakers to be announced shortly.
Thursday June 12, 2025 3PM to 7 PM
Friday: 9 -12:30 and 3 PM to 7 PM Breakfast and Lunch included
Saturday 9-12:30 and 3 PM to 7 PM Breakfast and Lunch Included
Sunday 9-12:30 Breakfast included